On campus


LBCC Activity Center Mineral on November 9th.  Mural artist Rip Cronk designed and painted this larger-than-life piece in September 2016. It showcases four former LBCC student-athletes: Kendrick Abraham (Baseball), Tyger Liner (Men’s Basketball), Samantha Rouleau (Volleyball), and Kyia Duvall

Student Legacy Park, Oregon State University, November 10th. Photographer is unknown. Photographing the OSU lacrosse team as they defeated the Trees. He mentioned that he enjoys doing sports photography and it’s his favorite thing to do. 

Oregon State University Campus in front Strand Agriculture Hall on November 10th. A bronze sculpture representing Alice Biddle, the first woman graduate of Oregon State University in 1870. Biddle holds a rolled document, which may be her diploma in her right hand. Commissioned through Oregon's Percent for Art in Public Places Program, managed by the Oregon Arts Commission.


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